Today we went to USA Today, Education Week, and Getty. Everyone at each of those places was extremely informative and hopeful for our futures. It's definitely a nice change of pace from what we heard in New York City. I'm not sure if it's the D.C. area or what, but people here just seem a little more positive and helpful.
At USA Today we learned a lot about what it takes to get into the business and how to go about doing that.
Being a photojournalist is about problem-solving. You always have to have balance, and have your priorities right. You can't be a jerk in this business, because it's a business that revolves around reputation.
As far as photos go, it's not important to shoot photos at NFL games or other big events. It doesn't make a photo good. Great moments can be captured at little league games. It shows that you can get out in the community and find stuff.
don't pad your portfolio with big event coverage photos
have variety, strong images
NO meaningless photo(access doesn't necessarily make a photo)
take everything you hear with a grain of salt, but if you start hearing the same things, think about it, consider
Getting noticed-
Working hard
Paying attention to detail
Being able to write/captions-ITPC
Making connections/contacts
Staying in contact
Never giving up
Being a good person, someone that people will remember in a positive way
I particularly enjoyed Education Week, where we met Charlie Borst. He explained some of what we already heard, but also gave us a new outlook on a different type of photojournalism. Education Week is different in that deadlines aren't as demanding, and there's more time to work on stories. We were able to have our work looked at by Borst, which was awesome because he actually took the time to go through everything and give great feedback.
Getty was good too. We met some great photographers and saw some of their work. Unfortunately, I missed most of it because parking in D.C. sucks.
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